
Hope Chapel launched in the fall of 2008 with the mission to be a Gospel-centered community for the flourishing of Greensboro.

Vision (what do we wish to see happen?)

Hope Chapel seeks to follow Jesus in His work of bringing spiritual, social, and cultural renewal to Greensboro and the world.

Mission (how will we work toward our vision?)

  • Gather in worship for word and sacrament
  • Connect in intergenerational community groups
  • Foster lives of spiritual growth
  • Practice evangelism with love and respect
  • See all people as image bearers
  • Assist our neighbors with their physical needs
  • Partner with organizations serving Greensboro
  • Use our gifts, talents, and abilities to further God’s kingdom
  • Celebrate beauty and goodness in Greensboro
  • Inspire creativity in our daily lives
  • Values (who will we be while working on mission?)

    We believe wholeheartedly in the life-giving authority of Scripture as our infallible, inerrant source of truth, wisdom, and beauty. In it, we encounter the central act of God in history, the “good news” of the gospel: the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  His gospel alone provides the answer to all of our deepest longings–for love, forgiveness, belonging, and purpose.  Every part of our community life, service, growth, and mission is founded upon and empowered by this gospel truth.

    As we seek to center our lives in the Gospel, we join with two millennia of Christ-followers around the world in our worship rhythms. We embrace Biblical teaching, practice historic-based liturgy within the reformed tradition, observe weekly communion, seek to engage heart and mind, and anchor our worship in prayer. Though our worship service incorporates formal and historical elements, the style is modern and informal; contextual to our time and place.

    We believe that the Gospel restores us not to just peace with God, but also peace with one another. Because of the grace we receive in Jesus, we seek to create a culture of curiosity, authenticity, and vulnerability in our community; a safe place to be known and belong. We are not a church with community groups, but a church of community groups.  In them, we not only pray and study the Bible together, but also share a meal and care for one another.

    We are people who have received the radical welcome of God.  We were adopted into His family, given not only an inheritance but even His only Son, all while we were still sinners.  Because of this, we are therefore compelled to offer His lavish hospitality to everyone we encounter.  Hope Chapel is not an exclusive club but a warm household set for a feast with empty seats at the table.  We come as we are and He makes us new.  This hospitality extends beyond the church walls into our homes, neighborhoods, and workplaces.

    As we have experienced the mercy and love of God in our spiritual poverty, we cannot help but extend that same compassionate care to our neighbors. We believe even small acts of generosity or service done in Jesus’s name are offerings to Him.  We strive to honor this truth through doing justice and loving mercy, in partnership with local non-profits who seek the flourishing of Greensboro.

    As image-bearers of the Creator and those anticipating God’s future restoration, we seek to cultivate creativity within our church for the sake of our city and world. We celebrate the beauty that exists in our culture and endeavor to contribute to it. We believe that creativity takes on a thousand shapes and that we are called, whether in homes, studios, or offices, to bring goodness to the world through our work.