Pastor Search Updates

This is the best place to find info about the process (and progress) of our search for a Pastor of Community & Mission.


  • May 1, 2023

  • Pastor Search Committee Established

    Pastor Search Committee (PSC) was nominated by the session and elected by the congregation.

    The committee is comprised of: Mary Lou Dovan, Bret Grieves (sabbatical elder), Sabrina Isenhour, David Layton (sabbatical elder), Micah O'Hare, Braxton Towery (active elder, chair), Brent York (active elder), and Marianne Weatherly.


  • June 2023

  • Committee Dynamics Exercise

    The new PSC began their work together by reading and discussing, “How to Find a Pastor: A Handbook for Ministerial Search Committees”, by Dr. Joel Hathway. They reviewed the ARP procedures for calling a Pastor and wrote a Procedure and Mission Statement with input from the Staff and Session.

    The PSC also took time to discuss their individual church experiences, both in the past year as well as earlier experiences serving at Hope Chapel and other churches. This helped the team develop trust, relationships, and was great preparation for their work together.


  • July 2023

  • Evaluation of Leadership Model

    Hope Chapel's session began considering a collaborative leadership model (in contrast to a traditional senior pastor structure). The staff and PSC were brought into the conversation and decision-making process and it was proposed to the congregation on July 23, 2023, where it received overwhelmingly positive feedback.


  • Sept 2023

  • Congregational Survey

    PSC sent out a comprehensive survey to the members and regular attenders of Hope Chapel to gain feedback about valued qualities of a candidate for this position.


  • Oct-Nov 2023

  • Development of Job Description

    With input from the elders, staff, and congregation (via the survey), and within the structure of the collaborative leadership model, the PSC develops a job description for the Pastor of Community & Mission. They also create a church profile, which gives detailed information about our congregation’s history, values, beliefs, culture, financial health, and more.


  • Dec-March 2024

  • Job Description Feedback

    After developing the church profile and job description, the PSC sends these documents to a number of active pastors for feedback, then makes any subsequent edits.


  • March 2024

  • Applications Open for Candidates

    The PSC begins receiving and reviewing applications from candidates.


  • May 2024

  • Candidate Interviews Begin

    The PSC begins interviewing candidates, while continuing to receive applications.


  • TBA

  • Applications Closed

    The PSC closes applications for the position during the initial interview process.


  • TBA

  • PSC Selects a Candidate

    The PSC selects a candidate subject to the Presbytery’s approval.


  • TBA

  • Congregation Votes to Call Candidate

    The PSC presents the candidate’s name and the congregation votes to call the candidate.