
A note from the elders: 

You will notice that we have increased the budget by a higher percentage than in years past. We wanted to highlight a couple of the primary reasons for this jump, and why we feel comfortable stepping out in faith in 2020.

1. We have seen exciting growth this year, especially in our young families and children. Because of this, we have increased Betsy Greer (our children’s ministry director) hours. 

2. The elders made the decision to include mortgage interest payments in this year’s budget (last year they were accounted for separately). This more accurately reflects the giving needs for 2020 and allows the Rooted for Renewal building campaign monies to be considered separate for mortgage principle payments.
We know that this is a step of faith, but we feel comfortable because of the congregations consistent generosity and our continued growth.


You may view the proposed 2020 budget by clicking this link